Get Guys’ Attention with These Online Dating Profile Tips

Woman setting up online dating profile Your dating profile will make all the difference in your success in online dating. Many women rush through the profile to get it done, and then they wonder why they aren’t attracting the caliber of man they want.

The good news is that you have complete control over what your profile says, so you have plenty of opportunity to show off who you are. You can create a profile that will magnetize men to you. Just follow a few tips, and you’ll be shocked at how many more high-quality men will respond.

Two important qualities you want to convey in your profile are happiness and approach-ability. Men love happy women, and if they feel they can approach you, they will. To make your profile one men can’t resist, keep it playful and happy. Your online dating profile is not the place to talk about past men, old relationships, or previous online dating disappointments. Keep looking toward the future.

Remember, the next man has nothing to do with the last man, so write your profile with your next man in mind. Your profile is a screening tool for you and for him. What does he want to know about you? What do you want to tell him about who you are? Write it down, and then look at these tips before you create your profile.

Be Honest About Your Appearance.

No matter what you look like, how old you are, or how much you weigh, there are men out there who will find you attractive. If you’re full-figured or extremely slender, own it and be proud of it. Tell the truth about your appearance, and you’ll attract the men who want to be with you.

Think of how disappointed you’ve been when you met someone who wasn’t telling the truth about what he looked like. Don’t do that to someone else. Be proud of who you are, because there are a bunch of great guys out there who want someone just like you.

Take Some Good Pictures.

The truth is that men are visual creatures. I know it shouldn’t be that way, but the fact is, men will use your appearance to decide whether they want to approach you. This is a good thing, because if you have good pictures, you’ll have plenty of men approaching you. Have at least three pictures: a close-up of your face, a clear full-body shot, and a picture of you enjoying yourself. If the third picture is of you doing something you enjoy, it gives the man an opening to approach you.

Don’t be afraid to be a little bit sexy. A hint of cleavage is fine, but a barely-there bikini is not.

Create a Visual Image of You and of What You Like to do.

Not only do you want to have flattering pictures, but you also want to be as specific as possible about what you like to do. Men will create a visual image of you from your pictures and your words. For example, if you like to go camping, talk about why. Is it the crackling campfire and the crisp night air? Use adjectives and paint a picture for anyone who reads your profile.

Again, be honest. Don’t claim you like camping, sports, or fishing if you don’t.

Less is More.

Don’t overdo it with the “in your own words” part of the profile. Anyone reading your profile is looking for a snapshot of you, not your life story. Make it easy to read by breaking up your words into paragraphs of three or four sentences. Three or four short paragraphs are plenty—you want to hook them into contacting you.

Have Fun With it.

Above all, enjoy yourself while writing your profile. That happiness will come across to anyone who reads it, and he won’t be able to resist contacting you. Keep all negativity out of it. Stay happy and positive.

About Jonathon Aslay

Jonathon Aslay
Jonathon Aslay is a defender and protector of women’s hearts around the world. He helps women transform from attracting Mr. Wrong into finding their Mr. Right. Jonathon is like A GUY SPY to the male mind who truly understands the way a single or divorced man thinks and acts. He’s a master at helping women recognize and distinguish the difference between men who are looking to get laid from those who are truly ready for love.
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