8 Signs Your Date is Married

engagement ring small Ever wondered if you’re dating a married man or woman?

Maybe it’s the fact that you know nothing about their personal life or you’ve never met their friends, but something just doesn’t jibe when you’re together. Luckily, there are some telltale signs that your lover has another.

1. What’s your home number?

Getting a hold of your partner is about as easy as contacting a government employee at 4:35pm.

You have a cellular number but it always seems to be turned off or out of range when you aren’t together. Well, you can’t expect them to take your call at their son’s soccer game, can you?

2. Am I dating a homeless person?

If you didn’t know better you’d think your lover lived on the street. You know he must have a house — he has to store that extensive wardrobe somewhere — but, much like the Sasquatch, you’ve never actually seen it.

The reason all the sleepovers happen at your house? His wife would be an inconvenience at his.

3. Tell me about your family.

Speaking of mysterious, how much do you know about their personal life? Does she ever talk about her family, where she went to school, her hometown or hobbies?

If she’s keeping you in the dark, it’s because she doesn’t want to give you the information you need to discover she’s married.

4. I’ve never been here before.

And that’s exactly the point.

All of your public dates take place in very inconspicuous out-of-the-way places, but those happening in the privacy of your living room likely outweigh them. If you find yourself watching movies at your place more often than eating dinner in a restaurant, you may be getting it on with a married man.

5. What a strange time to call.

Consistently calling at odd hours is a definite sign of something amiss. They may call early in the morning on the way to work or in the wee hours of the night while walking the dog, but it never seems to be at a normal time or from a normal location.

Also watch for a lot of untraceable calls from public phone booths or leaving the room to take calls on their mobile when you are together.

6. Come on, let me see them.

Most people keep photos of their wife and kids close to their heart. If you spy some snaps in his wallet or her purse but they won’t let you have a look, it’s a safe bet they’re not of a best bud or beloved pet.

7. PDAs are MIA

They always finds a way to wiggle their hand from yours when you walk down the street, they nervously looks around before offering you a peck on the lips and hugs are quick and perfunctory.

If public displays of affection are rarer than black pearls, they’re probably worried about hubby seeing them locked onto your lips.

8. Why don’t we do anything with your friends?

The two of you always go out alone.

There’s never another couple or friends along for the ride. They’re friends are all boring or they’re married and can’t go out.

The reality is that they’re “all married” and just trying to keep worlds from colliding and crashing into they’re elaborate lie.

About Lavalife

Lavalife.com is one of the founding dating sites known to online daters. With the most experience in the dating space, Lavalife publishes content by authors who have influenced thousands of daters looking for great advice.
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